To cap off the most stunning year of journalistic ineptitude, the officials in charge of the New York City Time’s Square celebration have s...Read More
Perfect Year-End Metaphor: Journalists To Drop Ball During New Year Celebration…. #TopNews
Reviewed by Red Pilling
December 31, 2018
Rating: 5
Michigan’s premier public university seems to have a fixation upon advancing the ideal of ‘diversity’ that could go unmatched in even the m...Read More
University of Michigan has 82 ‘Diversity Officers,’ at a Cost of $10.6 Million
Reviewed by Red Pilling
December 31, 2018
Rating: 5
The Air Force confirms that nobody violated any rules when President Donald Trump signed MAGA hats for active-duty military servicemen in I...Read More
Sorry CNN, Nobody Is Getting Court-Martialed Over President Trump Signing MAGA Hats
Reviewed by Red Pilling
December 31, 2018
Rating: 5