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Explaining the shape of shadows - The QAnon Document

Shadows can take shape to become a recognizable formation.

Is this true of Q?

The space between is often where the clues reside that lead to truth. Just as a redacted page of print hides the evidence of a potentially harmful outcome. The Q phenomenon has a strong following of global souls seeking to understand the shadows between truth, speculation, and theory. If the truth we know is X and the outcome is Z then Y is either this, this or this. Understanding the potential ties is critical thinking and Q has become a training camp of critical thought research. Merging understood evidence and connecting new knowledge to past scandals within the current evolving landscape. It's been a re-understanding of history with new perceptions of reality unfolding as more transparencies 'untruth' what we once were led to believe.

Q is widely understood to be that of white hat 'Military Intelligence' operatives close to Trump. Others believe them to be black hat patriotic hackers who continue to illegally scrub the web for Classified intel. We know for certain their have been many unsecured servers, and phones within our Government. The possibilities  of who Q is has certainly been in question. Most non-supporters of Q infer it is a hoax and Q followers are mindless drones following a fairy tale.

If the Q phenomenon isn't really white hat Patriots of Military intelligence. It's still an important information resource to helping us tie together the shadows of scandal, both in the past and it's connection to why things are the way they are now. Secondly, it's helped open the minds and hearts, craving more transparency and disclosure. For this alone the movement has incredible value.

That said Q-Patriots are always looking for some sort of public conformation. And there are many conformations that seem credible and or verified. One that sticks out for me is the listening session Trump held with Parents and Children of the The Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting. [Watch Video]

To review the drops type 807 in the search bar of this QMAP website.|

A PDF article recently published is helping to assist those that want to accurately understand the Q phenomena. Thank you to
TaraJane  @Taradea08775439 on twitter for sharing this information. 
A lot of work has clearly gone into this document and it's worthy of our support.

UPDATE: Since writing this article a fellow Q-Patriot asked President Trump personally that 1 question. 

His response may surprise you. - Below

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