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Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood Used For Campaign Against Pro-Life Candidates, Lobbying For Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

Live Action released a report on Tuesday detailing how millions of dollars in taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood are allowing it to turn around and spend millions of dollars in the 2018 midterms to elect pro-abortion politicians who will fight against abortion industry regulations and keep the taxpayer funding flowing.

So what does this mean in the scheme of things?

Taxpayer funding frees up donors to direct their money to the political agenda of Planned Parenthood rather than to fun the nominal health services Planned Parenthood itself provides.

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The report also proves that over time, despite the fact that Planned Parenthood is providing fewer services for fewer clients at fewer facilities, it continues to receive ever increasing amounts of taxpayer funding, and record amounts of money are being spent by its political arms on elections.

Planned Parenthood’s political arms are poised to spend $20 million on their own and an additional $30 million in a joint effort with three other groups – Color of Change PAC, Center for Community Change Action, and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) – in the midterms both on state and federal offices. On top of the ridiculous amount being spent on midterms, according to its latest annual report, Planned Parenthood and its political arms were able to spend $160 million last year for “public policy” and “movement building” and to “promote healthy equity” and “engage communities” in addition to spending another $85 million on fundraising.

The Win Justice Super PAC is focused on mobilizing infrequent voters in three states: Florida, Michigan, and Nevada. It will seek to turn out 2.5 million ethnic minorities, women, and young people mainly through peer-topeer texting, digital organizing, and training community leaders to knock on doors and mobilize voters in their communities.

Pro-abortion billionaire George Soros seeded the PAC with $3 million, and $1 million came from SEIU.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, “Win Justice PAC is additionally an approved organization of the Democracy Alliance, the left’s biggest secretive dark money liberal donor network that was co-founded by Soros.”

Statement from Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action:

“Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion corporation and a multimillion-dollar political machine. Millions of dollars in taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood allow it to turn around and spend millions of dollars supporting the 2018 midterm campaigns of the politicians who will keep that funding flowing.

“While Planned Parenthood and its political arms are separate on paper, because taxpayers are forced to give the abortion chain over $500 million a year, donors are freed up to direct their money to Planned Parenthood’s political agenda rather than to fund what nominal health services Planned Parenthood itself provides.

“Getting a half billion dollars a year from taxpayers allows the abortion chain’s donors to divert their money to political efforts to defeat pro-life politicians and to lobby for taxpayer funding of abortions, increases in federal funding, and the repeal of all abortion regulations. It’s the taxpayers who end up paying for Planned Parenthood’s radical pro-abortion agenda — an agenda that poll after poll shows most Americans are against. Planned Parenthood is weaponizing the taxpayers’ own money against them.

“The corrupt bargain between Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion politicians must end. It’s paid for by taxpayers and with the lives of over 320,000 preborn children every year. Congress and the president must fulfill their promise to defund Planned Parenthood of all taxpayer dollars. American taxpayers should not be in the abortion business, nor should they be subsidizing campaign contributions to any politician to keep them in office.”

Read the full report here:

While Planned Parenthood pushes for more taxpayer dollars, many of Planned Parenthood’s services and its clients are declining. In the last 10 years of Planned Parenthood’s annual reporting (2006-2016),

  • clients have decreased 23 percent (3.1 million in 2006 vs. 2.4 million in 2016);

  • it closed 260 facilities (860 facilities in 2006 vs. 600 facilities in 2016);

  • breast exams have decreased by 62 percent;

  • cervical cancer screenings have decreased by 74 percent; and

  • contraception services have decreased by 32 percent.

Even though many services have decreased over the course of the last ten years, Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers are up by 11% (to over 320,000 babies each year) while taxpayer funding has skyrocketed from $336 million in 2006 to $543 million a year in 2016.

(Numbers above are from Planned Parenthood’s 2016-2017 annual report2006-2007 annual report, and 2006-2007 services numbers updated in the 2007-2008 annual report.)

Despite declining clients and health services, with Planned Parenthood’s newly released plan for 2019, it is revealed that the corporation’s continued obsession with abortion. The plan from both Planned Parenthood and its political arm, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, is a “multi-million dollar, nationwide effort” to “expand access to abortion in the United States.”

While Planned Parenthood and its supporters continue to claim that the $500+ million its receives annually from taxpayers doesn’t pay for abortion, that funding clearly frees up other money to help in this effort to create more access to abortion – and to grow Planned Parenthood’s market share of the abortion business.

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