Another Democrat Tries To Kiss Obama’s Ring To Run In 2020

Ohio Democrat senator Sherrod Brown is reportedly trying to get himself a meeting with former president Barack Obama as he considers running in the presidential primary in 2020.
The Politico reports: “The Ohio Democrat is reaching out to fellow senators and party officials in early primary and caucus states. His team is collecting résumés for potential campaign workers in those states. He is airing a broad campaign theme with a concise slogan — “the dignity of work” — in a rising number of press interviews and TV appearances, and he wants to road-test the theme in speeches or town hall-style events. And Brown’s staff is looking into arranging time for him to visit with former President Barack Obama, who has met with a parade of potential 2020 candidates seeking his counsel in the past year.”
So aspiring Democrat candidates are still beholden to the Obama Bump, even after all the revelations of Obama administration wrongdoing and targeted vindictive corruption aimed at President Donald Trump? (EMAILS Reveal Obama Admin’s Push To Create Russia Scandal Hours Before Trump’s Inauguration).
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Obama recently met with losing 2018 candidates Beto O’Rourke of Texas and Andrew Gillum of Florida, showing that the left-wing Obama wing has some relevance, at least with the press.
Meanwhile, Sherrod Brown is still reportedly trying to get in the door.
I confronted Sherrod Brown outside the Capitol about his refusal to help President Donald Trump secure our southern border from drug criminals with Trump’s proposed magnificent wall:
Outside Capitol
— Patrick Howley (@howleyreports) December 21, 2018
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