SHUTDOWN DAY 5: President Trump Has No Reason To Cave

President Donald Trump is in a good position on this fifth day of the government shutdown, with his base strongly supporting him.
The “who should get blamed for the shutdown?” narrative pushed by the press does not really apply here, because Trump’s real supporters — who exist in America, not on Fox News — largely think the shutdown is a good message. But it’s not just intended to be a message, it is intended to be a tactic to get us the border Wall funding. Nobody cares about the plight of temporarily unpaid “non-essential” government workers when our borders are being erased for the convenience of MS-13 and to the embarrassment of our country on the world stage.
Trump and his chief of staff Mick Mulvaney — whose first week on the job also happened to be Trump’s Best Week Ever — lowered their demand from $5 billion in an olive branch to the Democrats, who rejected it. With no deal, there is no reason for Trump to drop below $5 billion again. If anything, he should hold the line, because every day this goes on is another day Trump reminds his base that he is finally in a position to fight for is what is Right.
Here is President Trump’s Christmas press conference in which he declared that there must be a Wall if the Democrats want to see their beloved government open again.
Trending: WATCH President Trump’s Epic Christmas Presser: The Shutdown Will Continue!
I was at the Capitol the minute the government shut down, and it was awesome.
Outside the Capitol As the Shutdown Goes Into Effect
— Patrick Howley (@howleyreports) December 22, 2018
I wrote on Christmas Eve about the challenges President Trump is taking head on:
President Donald Trump is working very hard this Christmas Eve as the globalist establishment tries to spoil his merry spirit. Let’s look at some of the epic fights that Trump is waging for the American people. He has no reason to back down from any of these fights, because he is not a career politician, he is a building tycoon who decided to be president to save the country from the bad people. Now is the time, and President Trump is certainly rising to the occasion.
Coming off his Best Week Ever, Trump is happily working away in the White House on this special night, refusing to bow to the cynicism of the corrupt and lying system that includes the corporate globalist mainstream media and the criminal elements of the war machine.
Here’s a quick sense of what our great President is dealing with while the media pundits sit in their air-conditioned studios and shovel pabulum on behalf of sinister forces:
- The Fed is trying to tank the stock market on him
The Federal Reserve decided to raise interest rates yet again as part of their sell-off of bonds from the period of the 2008 financial collapse. Without getting into the weeds on this, let’s just make it abundantly clear that Fed chairman Jerome Powell is messing with the president, which plays into the “Trump Causing Chaos” narrative that the media is going with.
Look, most people are not invested in the stock market. While nobody wants to see a stock market crash, the American people also do not want to see our borders get erased by the criminal globalists. And the real institutional investors who are bought into the market — the ones who shrug during these politically-motivated manipulations — do not want to see the market crash, either.
We want to secure our border from MS-13 and other terrorist drug-dealing killers, but we’re supposed to go into Christmas Eve panic mode because the Dow is dropping and Lloyd Blankfein might be losing some dollars? This is called psychological warfare, and it is conducted by the Establishment against the American people on a regular basis. Cynical, cynical stuff.
2. The Media is Blaming Him For “Chaos”
Apparently criminal gangs breaching our border is not chaos. That’s just fine. But President Trump getting rid of General Mattis before he could plunge us into another Iraq-style disaster in Syria is supposedly a cataclysmic event. Funny how the media does not praise Trump for benefiting so many people with his First Step Act — especially black and brown people, who are most disadvantaged by our system of mass incarceration in this country for petty nonviolent drug crimes. President Trump is also trying to stop the drugs from coming into the country to ensnare our forgotten people in frivolous felonies that will end up taking years out of their lives. So shouldn’t Trump get some credit on multiple bipartisan fronts here?
It doesn’t matter. The media does not act in accordance with logic or rationality anymore. It is just sheer propaganda, meant solely to drive the gears of the Psychological War against President Trump and the American people.
The country has been in chaos for a long time, Media. Catch up.
3. The Democrats Refuse To Fund Our Border Wall
With Mattis out, President Trump has a much better chance of getting the Wall built through the military. He also gave out a new 115-mile border wall contractduring the shutdown Monday. The Wall is going to get built, one way or another, so Chuck Schumer just looks ridiculous hiding from the inevitable. Has it ever been so apparent that the Democrats are dishonest dealers?
Schumer peddled the “Chaos” narrative on Twitter, because there is no difference between the deeply disturbed Democrats and the soulless Non-Playable Characters on television reciting the “News.”
It’s all pretty much a video game at this point, and the system predictably marches in lockstep.
But that’s why President Trump is the only man for this job right now. He is the only man who can see through all of this manipulated nonsense and fight for what is RIGHT.
Stay strong, Mr. President. The American people are with you.
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