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Insufferable Media – War Advocate, CBS Margaret Brennan, Frames Brett McGurk Exit For Political Fodder…. #TopNews

CTH readers will know Brett McGurk; he is the departing U.S. state department envoy in-charge of the U.S./State Dept./Coalition de-ISIS campaign.  We have discussed his presentations at great length [See Here in 2017].

McGurk was scheduled to exit the State Department in less than two months (Feb ’19); as the 27-nation coalition “de-ISIS operation” is now complete, and has shifted into maintenance mode.  However, McGurk has announced he is resigning at the end of this year.  CBS takes this as an opportunity to present a political hit-job against President Trump’s decision to remove U.S. troops from Syria and allow regional allies to take over.

(Via CBS) […] Brett McGurk, special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, had been planning to exit his post in February 2019. But sources tell CBS News that he informed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that he will accelerate his departure due to a strong disagreement with President Trump’s snap decision to withdraw 2,000 U.S. troops from Syria, effectively abandoning U.S. allies in the region.

McGurk submitted his resignation on Friday, just one day after Defense Secretary James Mattis quit his post citing fundamental disagreements with the commander-in-chief — including one over the importance of honoring U.S. alliances.

The special envoy was publicly left in the lurch by the president’s sudden declaration on Wednesday that he was pulling U.S. forces out of Syria, against the advice of his top national security advisers and without consulting U.S. allies.

As leader of the counter ISIS mission, McGurk had been in the region to meet with coalition partners including Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani last week when Mr. Trump made his sudden decision to pull U.S. support. According to Barzani’s office, he had raised concern about the fate of Kurds in Syria including the Kurdish-led group of fighters known as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). They have been the ground troops in the fight against ISIS and receive help from U.S. advisers, weapons and air strikes.  (read more)

So McGurk leaving now is horrible; bad Trump…. but McGurk leaving as scheduled a month from now was, well, okay or something?

See the insufferable nonsense?

The bottom-line is ISIS in Syria has been defeated; that was our purpose for being there. The current issues and arguments surround who should stay in the region as part of the “maintenance” operation.

President Trump has made the decision to allow the regional allies, closest to the actual conflict, to take charge of the maintenance operation.  As noted, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will be the primary regional team supporting coalition forces and ensuring the safety of Kurdish allies. The DC machine wants the U.S. military to remain in Syria indefinitely to control maintenance operations.

The de-ISIS campaign has been successful. The policy argument surrounds: who should remain in Syria to maintain the status-quo?

CBS obviously has an agenda to sell via narrative engineer Margaret Brennan.

It should be noted that Brett McGurk was also the envoy used by President Obama in 2016 for secret negotiations (pallets of cash) with the Iranians.

I would not be surprised to see deep state actors within the United States CIA and State Department begin covert black-op missions to attack the Kurds, as an excuse to force U.S. re-engagement.  Watch for it in 3,.. 2,…


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