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Breaking News

Joe Biden Tells Supporters “Wear a Mask”… #TheRedpill #Politics

The circle of virtue signaling is now complete.   It became apparent during Memorial Day weekend the resistance allies, democrats and media, were going to use the wearing of “masks” as the hot new 2020 virtue signal.  All of the Blue-bot governors quickly fell into line with their own demands for compliant mask wearing in their states.

As with most modern left-wing extremes, influencing the behavior is an issue of control, a compliant community, it takes a village etc.  The issue is not medical benefit.  Toward that end, Joe Biden gets the command signal and joins the movement:

This provides the media with a social narrative to push hard and exploit for political division; a very Alinsky strategy.  Mask wearers become virtuous doers of goodness and virtue; non-mask wearers become visible enemies, targets for the drones.

Thus the politicization of masks is complete.

How do you defeat them? Easy, use their own playbook (Alinsky) and have fun (Breitbart).  Make them live up to their own rules.  Every time they are spotted without a mask, laugh at them and call them out on their hypocrisy.  They hate that.

Their communal tribe members cannot survive the ridicule when their inherent individualism does not want to adhere to the social demand.  Members don’t want to wear masks and the ridicule hits harder and has greater damage because of it.  Freedom is fun, the tribe mindset can only survive in an echo-chamber.

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