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Nets Tout Biden Ripping Trump as ‘Absolute Fool’ for Criticizing His Mask #Political

The liberal media clutch their pearls when President Trump levels criticisms, nicknames, and insults against his political opponents. But when it’s the other way around, they celebrate it. A couple of hours before the evening newscasts aired on ABC, CBS, and NBC, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden took part in a softball interview on CNN. What piqued the interest of the broadcast networks was Biden lashing out at the President for criticizing his Memorial Day mask, calling Trump “an absolute fool.”

Hyping their “war of words” on World News Tonight, ABC anchor David Muir recalled how the President and took “aim at Biden for wearing a mask,” before touting how Biden was “now responding tonight in a new interview saying of the President, he’s ‘an absolute fool to talk that way.’

Congressional correspondent Mary Bruce wanted to show “The two candidates in stark contrast,” and chided the President. “President Trump in a factory without a mask, surrounded by people who are all wearing them. And his rival Joe Biden, out for the first time publicly since March. His own face, covered,” she said.

Touting how Biden was “firing right back,” Bruce played a soundbite of Biden calling Trump “a fool” and blaming him for the coronavirus death toll:

He's a fool. An absolute fool to talk that way. I mean, every leading doctor in the world is saying we should wear a mask when you're in a crowd. [SCREEN WIPE] This macho stuff for a guy, well, I shouldn't get going. But it just has cost people's lives.

Over on the CBS Evening News, anchor Norah O’Donnell introduced the segment by suggesting Biden’s comments were a timely criticism for the President. “But as the U.S. approaches 100,000 COVID deaths, the President's Democratic opponent is offering a new pointed attack on Mr. Trump's leadership during this crisis,” she announced.

O’Donnell juxtaposed that with Trump’s positive comments on the economy today following the Dow closing with an over 500 point surge.

It was a stark contrast on Memorial Day: President Trump without a mask, his November opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, wearing one. The President then retweeted someone making fun of how Biden looked,” added  White House correspondent Ben Tracy.

He then suggested that “the President seemed confused as to when you're supposed to wear a mask.”

For their part, NBC Nightly News didn’t put too much emphasis on the back and forth. “The President also taking a swipe at his Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden who, unlike President Trump, wore a mask to his state's memorial Monday,” sniped NBC White House correspondent Peter Alexander. He then played a soundbite of Biden’s CNN response.

This came after Alexander had complained about Trump retweeting insults against Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Stacey Abrams (D-GA).

Isn't it interesting whose insults cause them to cringe and whose they adore?

The transcripts are below, click "expand" to read:

ABC’s World News Tonight
May 26, 2020
6:39:05 p.m. Eastern

DAVID MUIR: And amid all of those, a new war of words erupting between President Trump and Joe Biden. President Trump taking aim at Biden for wearing a mask as he and Mrs. Biden marked Memorial Day. Biden now responding tonight in a new interview saying of the President, he’s “an absolute fool to talk that way.” Here's Mary Bruce.

[Cuts to video]

MARY BRUCE: Tonight, two images reflect the split-screen this campaign has become. President Trump in a factory without a mask, surrounded by people who are all wearing them. And his rival Joe Biden, out for the first time publicly since March. His own face, covered.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: He was standing outside with his wife, perfect conditions. Perfect weather. They’re inside, they don't wear masks and so I thought it was very unusual that he had one on.

BRUCE: Biden tonight firing right back.

FMR. VP JOE BIDEN: He's a fool. An absolute fool to talk that way. I mean, every leading doctor in the world is saying we should wear a mask when you're in a crowd. [Transition] This macho stuff for a guy, well, I shouldn't get going. But it just has cost people's lives.


DANA BASH: Do you think wearing a mask reflects strength or weakness?

BIDEN: Leadership. What it presents and projects is leadership.

BRUCE: The two candidates in stark contrast.


CBS Evening News
May 26, 2020
6:38:46 p.m. Eastern

NORAH O’DONNELL: President Trump is hailing today's stock market jump, using it to talk up the economy and press states to quickly reopen. But as the U.S. approaches 100,000 COVID deaths, the President's Democratic opponent is offering a new pointed attack on Mr. Trump's leadership during this crisis. Ben Tracy reports tonight from the White House.

[Cuts to video]

BEN TRACY: It was a stark contrast on Memorial Day: President Trump without a mask, his November opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, wearing one. The President then retweeted someone making fun of how Biden looked. Today, the President seemed confused as to when you're supposed to wear a mask.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Biden can wear a mask, but he was standing outside with his wife, perfect condition, perfect weather. They're inside, they don't wear masks. So I thought it was very unusual that he had one on.

TRACY: The former Vice President hit back this afternoon.

FMR. VP JOE BIDEN: He's a fool. An absolute fool to talk that way. I mean, every leading doctor in the world is saying we should wear a mask when you're in a crowd.


NBC Nightly News
May 26, 2020
7:06:40 p.m. Eastern


PETER ALEXANDER: The President also taking a swipe at his Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden who, unlike President Trump, wore a mask to his state's memorial Monday. President Trump sharing this tweet, making fun of Biden's choice.

FMR. VP JOE BIDEN: He's a fool. An absolute fool to talk that way.


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