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Tucker Exposes NYT Plot to Dox His Family, Put Their Lives in Danger #Political

Fox News host Tucker Carlson closed out Monday’s edition of his show on an extremely serious note that pertained to the life and safety of his wife and four kids. For over two minutes, he exposed how the radically leftist New York Times had assigned a so-called “journalist” and photographer to hunt him down, find out where he lives, and print it for all his haters to find him. And according to Carlson, their mission was nearly complete with the publication happening later in the week.

Carlson began by reminding folks that he didn’t like to talk about himself. “But tonight, we’re going to make an exception to that rule. We don't have much choice,” he lamented.

“Last week, The New York Times began working on a story about where my family and I live. As a matter of journalism, there is no conceivable justification for a story like that,” he decried. “The paper is not alleging we've done anything wrong, and we haven't. We pay our taxes. We like our neighbors. We’ve never had a dispute with anyone. So why is The New York Times doing a story on the location of my family's house?”

Answering his own question, Carlson put it bluntly: “To hurt us, to injure my wife and kids so that I will shut up and stop disagreeing with them. They believe in force. We’ve learned that.”

To explain how he and his family had learned the disgusting tactics of the liberal media, Carlson recounted how they were terrorized by “Antifa lunatics” who showed up at his house after another liberal outlet doxed him:

Two years ago, a left-wing journalist publicized our home address in Washington, a group of screaming Antifa lunatic showed up while I was at work. They vandalized our home. They threaten my wife. She called 911 while hiding in the closet. A few weeks later, they showed up again at our house. For the next year, they sent letters to our home threatening to kill us. We tried to ignore it. It felt cowardly to sell our home and leave. We raised our kids there in the neighborhood and we loved it. But in the end, that's what we did. We have four children. It just wasn't worth it.

This time, Carlson was fighting back, calling out the people targeting him by name. “The paper has assigned a political activist called Murray Carpenter [pictured above] to write a story about where we are now. They've hired a photographer called Tristan Spinski to take pictures,” he informed the world.

After noting that the story was “slated to run in the paper this week,” he blasted Times editors for knowingly putting the lives of his wife and kids in danger. “I called them today and I told them. But they didn't care. They hate my politics. They want the show off the air. If one of my children gets hurt because of a story the wrote, they won’t consider it collateral damage. They know it's the whole point of the exercise,” he exclaimed.

He added: “To inflict pain on our family, to terrorize us, to control we say. That's the kind people they are.”

The Fox News host also predicted the sleazy paper would deny his claims, and he was correct. “While we do not confirm what may or may publish in future editions, The Times has not and does not plan to expose any residence of Tucker Carlson’s, which Carlson was aware of before tonight’s broadcast,” they told left-wing Mediaite.

Carlson followed up by turning the situation around on The Times. “So how would Murray Carpenter and his photographer Tristan Spinski feel we told you where they lived, if we put pictures of their homes on the air,” he asked, also calling out media editor Jim Windolf. “We could do that. We know who they are.”

The transcript is below, click "expand" to read:

Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight
July 20, 2020
8:56:49 p.m. Eastern

TUCKER CARLSON: One more thing before we go tonight.

Since this show began almost four years ago, I've really tried not to talk about myself on the air or even use the first-person pronoun. The last thing this country needs is more narcissism. It's not very interesting anyway. People who use the word “I” a lot tend to bore everyone but themselves.

But tonight, we’re going to make an exception to that rule. We don't have much choice.

Last week, The New York Times began working on a story about where my family and I live. As a matter of journalism, there is no conceivable justification for a story like that. The paper is not alleging we've done anything wrong, and we haven't. We pay our taxes. We like our neighbors. We’ve never had a dispute with anyone.

So why is The New York Times doing a story on the location of my family's house? Well, you know why. To hurt us, to injure my wife and kids so that I will shut up and stop disagreeing with them. They believe in force. We’ve learned that.

Two years ago, a left-wing journalist publicized our home address in Washington, a group of screaming Antifa lunatic showed up while I was at work. They vandalized our home. They threaten my wife. She called 911 while hiding in the closet. A few weeks later, they showed up again at our house. For the next year, they sent letters to our home threatening to kill us. We tried to ignore it. It felt cowardly to sell our home and leave. We raised our kids there in the neighborhood and we loved it. But in the end, that's what we did. We have four children. It just wasn't worth it.

But The New York Times followed us. The paper has assigned a political activist called Murray Carpenter to write a story about where we are now. They've hired a photographer called Tristan Spinski to take pictures.

Their story about where we live is slated to run in the paper this week. Editors there know exactly what will happen to my family when it does run. I called them today and I told them. But they didn't care. They hate my politics. They want the show off the air. If one of my children gets hurt because of a story the wrote, they won’t consider it collateral damage. They know it's the whole point of the exercise. To inflict pain on our family, to terrorize us, to control we say. That's the kind people they are.

They’ll deny this, of course. They’ll claim it's “just journalism,” “just the facts.” Really?

So how would Murray Carpenter and his photographer Tristan Spinski feel we told you where they lived, if we put pictures of their homes on the air? What if we publicize the home address of every one of the soulless robot editors at The New York Times who assigned and manage this incitement to violence against my family. What about the media editor, Jim Windolf? We could do that. We know who they are. With that qualify as journalism? We doubt they’d consider journalism. They collect criminal behavior if we did it. And that tells you everything.

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