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CNN Sees Shy BIDEN Voters! #Political

Donald Trump has consistently outperformed the polls. That strongly suggests the existence of "shy" Trump voters--people who, for a variety of reasons, are reluctant to tell pollsters or media members of their preference for the prez. 

But shy BIDEN voters? Why would anyone would be unwilling to tell the liberal-dominated polling industry and media that they're going to vote for Biden? I'd never heard of the possibility of the shy Biden voter -- until tuning into CNN's New Day this morning.

After co-host John Berman twice suggested that President Trump has been committing "political suicide"—a particularly ugly term in these violent times—CNN political analyst Errol Louis took up the baton. After discussing the president's handling of the Gretchen Whitmer situation, Louis continued:

"This in the end, I think, is going to cost the president. And when they . . . look at something like that Tulsa rally that collapsed so horribly, people can make up their minds. They may not necessarily tell the pollsters, they may not necessarily give every indication of how they’re going to vote, but people don’t want any part of this. And unless there’s a more effective response to this, I think this is going to hurt the president badly in the last two weeks."

CNN New Day Errol Louis 10-19-20So Louis suggests that people have been so turned off by the president's actions that they might not "tell the pollsters . . . how they're going to vote," but the bottom line is that it's going to "hurt the president badly."

How that can be taken as other than a suggestion that people will be unwilling to disclose that they're voting for Biden, but will do so in the end? The shy Biden voter lives—at least in Errol Louis' mind.

Raise your hand if you think that when the election dust settles, President Trump will underperform the final polls!

CNN's strange suggestion of the existence of shy Biden voters was sponsored in part by Tractor Supply, and Acura.

Here's the transcript. 

New Day
6:29 am EDT

JOHN BERMAN: We keep talking about this as if there's nine-dimensional chess going on. And I think it's tic-tac-toe. I don't even think it's checker. I think at this point, you have a pandemic where thousands and thousands of Americans have died. And cases are rising. And the president’s image is, instead of fighting that reality, enforce it when he’s speaking at large rallies with unmasked people, when he’s staging these super-spreader events, and when he’s attacking governors who are trying to battle the pandemic. 

We call it a strategy, other people have referred to it as political suicide. I’m not sure it is a strategy. Maybe closer to political suicide

. . . 

ERROL LOUIS: When they — by the way, when they look at something like that Tulsa rally that collapsed so horribly, people can make up their minds, you know, they may not necessarily tell the pollsters, they may not necessarily give every indication of how they’re going to vote, but people don’t want any part of this. And unless there’s a more effective response to this, I think this is going to hurt the president badly in the last two weeks.

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