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Stephanopoulos Spreads Vaccine Panic With Cuomo: Only Safe with Biden in White House? #Political

ABC continued parroting the Biden campaign’s talking points about coronavirus and the election on Monday’s Good Morning America. Anchor George Stephanopoulos gave a softball interview to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo about both subjects and to make matter worse, the so-called journalist cheered on Cuomo telling Americans a vaccine will only be safe if Joe Biden is in office.

After asking the Democrat what his "strategy" was to combat the virus this Fall, Stephanopoulos spent the remainder of the interview spreading fear about a life-saving vaccine, all because President Trump is in office. 

Stephanopoulos shamelessly allowed Cuomo to criticize the FDA and CDC as having “no credibility,” if Trump remained in office, while touting his own compilation of experts as ones Americans should trust instead. Of course, ABC completely ignored bringing up Cuomo's spectacularly bad decision to send COVID-positive patients into nursing homes: (Click "expand" and see full exchanges at bottom):

STEPHANOPOULOS: How confident are you in the approval process of the FDA right now?

CUOMO: ...[Y]ou're going to say to the American people now, here's a vaccine, it was new, it was done quickly, but trust this federal administration and their health administration that it's safe? And we're not 100% sure of the consequences. I think it's going to be a very skeptical American public about taking the vaccine and it should be. 

STEPHANOPOULOS: So what's it going to take to convince you that it's safe, that it's effective, that it should be distributed? 

CUOMO: ...[]I believe all across the country you're going to need someone other than this FDA and this CDC saying it's safe. 

STEPHANOPOULOS: And that means we'll need a change in the White House, is that what you're saying? 

CUOMO: Look, I personally hope for a change in the White House but put that aside, if this administration continued, the CDC, George, and the FDA doesn't have any credibility...

The media has been politicizing a vaccine for weeks now with dangerous misinformation and messages directly from the Biden campaign.  It’s clear that saving lives is less of a priority to them than getting their preferred political candidate in office. 

ABC's anti-science fear mongering was sponsored by advertisers Cox and DSW. You can contact them by going to the Conservatives Fight Back page.

Read the relevant transcript below:

Good Morning America



ANDREW CUOMO: [W]e played politics with this disease. 

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS:  I do want to ask you about that, especially as it pertains to the vaccine. We saw Dr. Fauci last night say that he trusts the experts at the FDA. How confident are you in the approval process of the FDA right now? 

CUOMO: Well, first, how confident am I? I'm not that confident. But my opinion doesn't matter. I don't believe the American people are that confident. You're going to say to the American people now, here's a vaccine, it was new, it was done quickly, but trust this federal administration and their health administration that it's safe? And we're not 100% sure of the consequences. I think it's going to be a very skeptical American public about taking the vaccine and it should be. 

STEPHANOPOULOS: So what's it going to take to convince you that it's safe, that it's effective, that it should be distributed? 

CUOMO: Well, what I said I'll do in New York, we'll put together our own group of doctors and medical experts to review the vaccine and the efficacy and protocol and if they say it's safe then I'll go to the people of New York and I will say it's safe, with that credibility. But I believe all across the country you're going to need someone other than this FDA and this CDC saying it's safe. 

STEPHANOPOULOS: And that means we'll need a change in the White House, is that what you're saying? 

CUOMO: Look, I personally hope for a change in the White House but put that aside, if this administration continued, the CDC, George, and the FDA doesn't have any credibility. You have Dr. Fauci now saying that they basically tried to muzzle him. He has the highest credibility in the nation on this issue, and then not only is the vaccine safe, this administration is learning nothing from the past. What they're saying is that the day we get the vaccine, that's when it ends. That's not true. The day we get a vaccine, we then have to prove to the American people it's safe, we then have to administer millions of doses and that is a massive undertaking that this administration hasn't even talked about and is going to take months and if it's not done right, will be a debacle like back in January and February when we made so many mistakes with this COVID virus. 

STEPHANOPOULOS: This is going to be the first election in a century during a pandemic. How confident are you that it's going to go smoothly? 

CUOMO: I don't think it's going to go smoothly. I think the president has already been establishing his grounds to refute the election results. He's been talking about fraud and mail-in ballots for weeks, George. Now, somebody who is confident about victory on election night doesn't discredit the results, right? So I think the president knows he's in trouble on election night and I think he's already designing the case to allege voter fraud through the election. 

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