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MSNBC's Manic Joe Fancies Himself a Psychic, Knew Trump 'Shock Opera' Would End Badly #Political

Manic morning joeUnsure how to spin the firestorm of crazy events that have formed the 2020 presidential election, the cast members of MSNBC’s Morning Joe have been sending mixed signals during the last 10 days.  After co-host Mika Brzezinski’s statement Thursday morning that “more foreign leaders have congratulated Joe Biden on his election victory than have sitting Republican senators,” Joe Scarborough lashed out:

Well, how really did we expect Donald Trump's shock opera to end? Are you surprised? Are any of you surprised that Donald Trump's shock opera would not have this sort of sad, pathetic finale? I'm not. I'm surprised that you're surprised. I'm surprised by the texts that I'm getting. “Are we gonna be ok? [crying voice]” -- yes, we're gonna be okay. You know why? Because what I’ve been saying for four years is playing out in the courts right now. 

After predictably dismissing President Trump’s allegations of foul play as a scam, Scarborough praised the great successes of the Democrats in places like Arizona and Georgia, where Joe Biden enjoyed historic victories:

They shattered the solid South by going straight to the Heart of Dixie, which is not Alabama. But instead, Georgia. The Peach State. It's the first time the son of the South -- it's the first time that a Democratic presidential candidate who was not a son of the South won Georgia in 60 years. It looks sort of grayish now. It's blue. Biden has won Georgia. And Arizona, you see Arizona? That state, the state of Goldwater and McCain not only elected a Democrat for president, they now have two sitting U.S. Senators. Something unthinkable in the land of Goldwater and McCain, before Donald Trump was President of the United States.

Scarborough has reliably lambasted the Trump administration, but his praise for the Democrats has been far less consistent. It’s hard to listen to his fervent admiration for the party’s strategy and take it seriously when less than a week ago, he hurled stinging criticism at them for going too far left.

Clearly, the unhinged MSNBC host also doesn’t care for Senator David Perdue (R-GA), because he immaturely pretended that he couldn’t figure out how to pronounce his last name, even adding: “I bet Kamala Harris doesn’t know how to pronounce his name.”

Since the point of Scarborough’s rant was that he can predict everything, he ended with this exclusive insight:

I’ve been saying it here, other people have been saying it here for years now, even before Donald Trump. That demographics is destiny. And that Georgia, Texas and Arizona, one day are going to flip blue. And when they flip blue, they ain't ever coming back. Donald Trump and his racism expedited that process this year. Make no mistake about it. That's why there were 100,000 votes that flipped in Georgia, 100,000 votes that flipped in Arizona.  But what they're doing now, Willie, is only going to expedite the suburbs fleeing from the Democratic Party. And once they're gone, they never come back. 

Did he mean to say “the Republican Party?” Either way, his prediction might make sense if shifting demographics and political leanings progressed on a straight line, but other experts who have studied the 2020 election are expecting a different future. After all, Florida is trending red. Republicans held the Senate, made massive gains in the House and did well all across the country. But don't tell Psychic Joe that. 

Scarborough’s myopic political analysis was sponsored by Liberty Mutual and Mazda.

Here's the transcript:

Morning Joe


6:00:27 AM

P.M. BORIS JOHNSON: I had and have a good relationship with the previous president. I do not resolve from that—it is the duty of all British prime ministers to have a good relationship with the White House, but I'm delighted to find the many areas in which the Biden -- incoming Biden/Harris administration is able to make common cause with us.

MIKA BRZEZISKI: The quote “previous president.” Prime Minister Boris Johnson during question time at the British Parliament yesterday discussing his call with President-elect Joe Biden. Yesterday Biden added calls with the leaders of Australia, Japan and South Korea. At this rate, more foreign leaders have congratulated Joe Biden on his election victory than have sitting Republican senators. 

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Well, how really did we expect Donald Trump's shock opera to end? Are you surprised? Are any of you surprised that Donald Trump's shock opera would not have this sort of sad, pathetic finale? I'm not. I'm surprised that you're surprised. I'm surprised by the texts that I'm getting. “Are we gonna be ok? [crying voice]” -- yes, we're gonna be okay. You know why? Because what I’ve been saying for four years is playing out in the courts right now. The rule of law is stronger than any one man or any one woman. And when these scam press conferences turn in to scam pleadings and they go before federal judges or state judges, the state judges ask Trump's lawyers under oath, whether they have any evidence of foul play, and under oath, and under the penalty of perjury, they all say, “no your honor,” and the cases are dismissed.

Now listen-- while you were sleeping last night, and you probably went to bed, if you follow politics, closely concerned about some of the developments that have been going on. While you were sleeping last night, they were counting votes. One, by one, by one in Arizona. And finally, after counting one vote a day, they came to the conclusion, the secretary of state out there, as well as Dave Wasserman, that Arizona is all over. Yes, yes, I know, I know, Fox News and the Associated Press called Arizona for Joe Biden in the summer of '76, but now everybody else is doing it. Arizona is over, and they're doing hand recounts in Georgia but as Karl Rove wrote in The Wall Street Journal, that race is over. Pennsylvania is over. Nobody wins recounts when losing by this much. So, I just want to say again what we’ve been saying for years: When you think that Donald Trump and the Republican Party is getting away with this, getting away with anything, you’ve got to avert yourself from the smoke bombs going off on stage in the shock opera, and just look at the data. You want to know what the data shows me? It shows me that after all the failures of the Democratic Party in congressional races, and senate races, and state legislative races, and after all of the weeping and gnashing of teeth are finished in that area, look at the presidential race. And what historians are going to see when they look at that map, is they're gonna see a map where Democrats rebuilt the “blue wall” across the upper Midwest. They shattered the solid South by going straight to the Heart of Dixie, which is not Alabama. But instead, Georgia. The Peach State. It's the first time the son of the South -- it's the first time that a Democratic presidential candidate who was not a son of the South won Georgia in 60 years. It looks sort of grayish now. It's blue. Biden has won Georgia. And Arizona, you see Arizona? That state, the state of Goldwater and McCain not only elected a Democrat for president, they now have two sitting U.S. Senators. Something unthinkable in the land of Goldwater and McCain, before Donald Trump was President of the United States. And let me give you a couple of more numbers as people are saying, “oh he just barely won. He just—[jibberish].” The shock opera-- it continues, but let me just give you some numbers. Do you want to know what the wages of political sin is in America when you're Donald Trump? Here's some numbers to illustrate it. Georgia flipped between 2016 and 2020. Georgia flipped by over 200,000 votes. Michigan, a race Donald Trump won barely four years ago, flipped by over 150,000 votes. Pennsylvania, another state. They were supposed to be really close a week ago. The votes have been tallied up and no, Joe Biden didn't win by the 87 points that media pollsters said he'd win by. Still, that state flipped by over 100,000 votes from last election to this. And Arizona, the land of Goldwater, also flipped from the Republican presidential candidate to a Democratic presidential candidate by over 100,000 votes. There's nothing that Donald Trump or all of his little minions inside the White House can do to change that fact. And if you don't give a damn about America, if you don't give a damn about America's national security, if you're just a Democratic political operative, you should be happy with what's going on in Georgia. Because they're continuing -- they're continuing to act in the same abhorrent anti-democratic way that they have been doing over the past four years. And by the way, if you don't think what they're doing, what Kelly Loeffler, and what David Perdu-Pardi-Perde-- how do you say his name, Perdu, Pardu, Perdu, Pardu -- I don't know how to pronounce his name.


SCARBOROUGH: I bet Kamala Harris doesn't know how to pronounce his name. But anyway, what those two people are doing right now, if you don't think that's not going to hurt them every day this moves forward, then you just aren't paying close attention, are ya? Because it is hurting them. And not only now, but into the future. This is one of those things that shape a political culture in a state for decades to come and make no mistake of it. I’ve been saying it here, other people have been saying it here for years now, even before Donald Trump. That demographics is destiny. And that Georgia, Texas and Arizona, one day are going to flip blue. And when they flip blue, they ain't ever coming back. Donald Trump and his racism expedited that process this year. Make no mistake about it. That's why there were 100,000 votes that flipped in Georgia, 100,000 votes that flipped in Arizona. But what they're doing now, Willie, is only going to expedite the suburbs fleeing from the Democratic Party. And once they're gone, they never come back. 

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