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Acting DC Chief of Police Wants Permanent Fencing Around Capitol #TheRedpill #Politics

The reality of DC elites demanding walls to protect them from the common American is a stunning shift in outlook from when the U.S. Capitol used to be considered “the people’s house.”   Alas the voices are now asking for exactly that… a permanent fence to keep the American people away from those who run government.

WASHINGTON DC – The acting chief of U.S. Capitol Police called for permanent fencing around the Capitol building days after she said that the department “failed” in its efforts to protect the sprawling complex on Jan. 6 when rioters stormed the building.

“In light of recent events, I can unequivocally say that vast improvements to the physical security infrastructure must be made to include permanent fencing, and the availability of ready, back-up forces in close proximity to the Capitol,” Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman said in a statement.

The move would be a striking shift from the accessibility many Americans have enjoyed over the years visiting the grounds of “The People’s House,” such as sitting on the lawn in front of the building, accessing the trails and green spaces around the building and field trips to the steps of the Capitol by schoolchildren. (read more)

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