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CNN’s Chris Cuomo Refuses to Cover Brother’s Body Count Scandal #Political

Since last Spring, CNN PrimeTime host Chris Cuomo has been pushing unfounded conspiracy theories that Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was trying to cover-up and manipulate coronavirus numbers coming out of his state. But in a bombshell report from the New York State Attorney General Letitia James Thursday, it turned out that it was Chris’s brother, Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who’s administration was manipulating the data.

According to James’s investigation, the New York Health Department was undercounting nursing home deaths by upwards of 50 percent. Nursing home deaths were a touchy subject for the Governor because he refuses to be held accountable for his order to have elderly COVID patients return to their long-term care facilities.

“For most of the past year, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has tried to brush away a persistent criticism that undermined his national image as the man who led New York through the pandemic: that his policies had allowed thousands of nursing home residents to die of the virus,” wrote The New York Times.

Chris had done his part to try to wash the blood from his brother’s hands.

Over the summer, during one of their many ethically-questionable interviews, Chris callously brushed over the topic of nursing homes in New York:

CHRIS CUOMO: Nursing homes, people died there. They didn't have to, it was mismanaged and the operators have been given immunity. What do you have to say about that?

ANDREW CUOMO: Several statements that are not correct, but that's okay, it's your show, you say whatever you want to say.

After their conversation wrapped up, Chris admitted that he couldn’t act as a proper journalist when it came to covering family, even touting his brother’s job as governor. “Unusual times, right? He's my big brother, I love him, of course, I'm not objective, but let's call it straight. Look at the state. Look at the numbers. Look at New Jersey. Look at Connecticut. Look how they came together. Yeah, he's my brother. There's no question, I can cry about it in a second,” he said.

Adding: “But the results are there for all to see. Was it perfect? No. You tell me what is. But look at the state our country’s in. And if you don't think this is going to be reflected in what happens in November, then you haven't been paying attention.” 

And we would be remiss if we left out how Chris used one of their interviews to a Cuomo comedy show, pulling out giant cotton swaps to mock the size of his brother's nose after he took a COVID test (pictured above).

Looking a little bit further back, we see how Chris was actively smearing Florida and DeSantis as Andrew was packing COVID into nursing homes (pictured above). “All right. Look, I know there are numbers at you, flying all over the place. And I know it's hard to trust them. And I'm going to give you a new reason to be distrustful of the numbers,” he said from his basement quarantine, at the time. “Florida.

They're hiding the death numbers. They’re hiding the death numbers,” he later exclaimed to CNN Tonight host Don Lemon. And throughout the rest of 2020, Chris would harken back to his Florida-bashing conspiracy theory and pontificate about how government officials don’t hide data for “good reason.”

Why’s your brother hiding nursing home deaths, Chris?

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