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Cuomo: ‘Gang of Pirates’ Party ‘Hell-Bent on Taking Us All to Hell’ #Political

The rhetoric coming from CNN's PrimeTime host Chris Cuomo has been growing more and more dangerous and it’s getting to be very concerning. In mid-November, he threatened the lives of GOP lawmakers by warning them “they are going to lose way more than this election.” Now, on Wednesday, he turned things up by warning of the “red flags” that supposedly proved all Republicans supported “chaos,” domestic terrorists, and were “hell-bent on taking us all to hell in a handbasket.”

All of it designed to stoke blind hatred against people just because they were Republican.

What's happening in Washington deserves your attention. It may be as dangerous as the pandemic. My question is how many red flags do we need,” Cuomo exclaimed as he started his opening tirade. “Now, this [pauses for silence] that's what the GOP has to say about this threat.

Then, without evidence, he accused Republican senators of sabotaging the Department of Homeland Security. And to answer his own question about “why” they would do such a thing, Cuomo falsely claimed that Republicans had never condemned the extremists for attacking the Capitol:

My argument and it's why I caution Democrats wanting a power-sharing deal with McConnell that that is like insisting on petting a starving snake. The big mouth is gone, but the Retrumpublican chorus remains echoing his animus and hungry for more chaos.

Think about it. Now not a word about the ton of terrorists who say they acted not just on behalf of Trump but because Trump told them to act. No comment from the leadership. Why?

Continuing to push his false assertion that Republicans never condemned violence from the right, Cuomo scoffed at their condemnation of his ilk in Antifa.

If you listen to them, they say we're against violence, we're against extremism, on both sides, but while the fight against racism to them is really just an excuse to riot. Right? BLM, bad, Antifa, like Al Qaeda,” he sneered.

And because GOP senators had questions about the constitutionality of an impeachment trial of a former President, “they must want more” violence, according to Cuomo. Meanwhile, the same result could be achieved in a normal criminal trial.

Of course, any Cuomo roid rage wouldn’t be complete without him lashing out at his favorite hate object, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX):

You think vindictive was a talking point for them? You know what's “vindictive,” meaning, seeking revenge? A coup. You know what vindictive? A confederate flag paraded through our Capitol that you say nothing about. You know what's vindictive? People forcing you to hide. You, Cruz. You hid in fear. You should have hid. I get it. Because day were looking for you. That's vindictive. By definition, seeking revenge. You know what that is? Inciting domestic terror.

And just when you thought CNN couldn’t get any more ridiculous, Cuomo went and compared the Capitol attack to Benghazi and mocked GOP investigations. “Well, people died in Benghazi, remember that? People died. Yeah, yeah. One fewer than died in the Capitol,” he chided.

Cuomo was also angry with Senate Democrats for working on a power-sharing agreement with Republicans. And at one point, he accused Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) of wanting to give “comfort” to the Capitol attackers:

If they were not hell-bent on taking us all to hell in a handbasket, why would Mitch McConnell go from Trump provoked this and fed that mob lies -- remember, he said that -- and pleading, we need time, let me move this trial, it must get due consideration, the President must have time to prepare. Why would he say that and then immediately go to voting to dismiss the trial before it even starts? He wants the chaos. They want to comfort our attackers by doing so.

“Don’t you see? My fear is you do and you like what you see,” he said to the Republicans at home who might be watching. And as he wrapped up his tirade, he declared the GOP were marauders. “GOP used to stand for Grand Old Party. Now, it's like Gang of Pirates.”

This is CNN.

Chris Cuomo anti-Republican tirade was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from United Healthcare and LeafFilter. Their contact information is linked so you can let them know about the dangerous host they’re supporting.

The transcript is below, click "expand" to read:

CNN’s Cuomo PrimeTime
January 27, 2021
9:01:31 p.m. Eastern

CHRIS CUOMO: What's happening in Washington deserves your attention. It may be as dangerous as the pandemic. My question is how many red flags do we need? Homeland security just put out a warning of more possible violence to come from violent anti-government extremists “fueled by false narratives that could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence.”

Now, this [pauses for silence] that's what the GOP has to say about this threat. Why? The only response they've had to the threat is to keep Biden from getting a head of Homeland Security. To head up the attack against this problem. Why?

My argument and it's why I caution Democrats wanting a power-sharing deal with McConnell that that is like insisting on petting a starving snake. The big mouth is gone, but the Retrumpublican chorus remains echoing his animus and hungry for more chaos.

Think about it. Now not a word about the ton of terrorists who say they acted not just on behalf of Trump but because Trump told them to act. No comment from the leadership. Why?


If you listen to them, they say we're against violence, we're against extremism, on both sides, but while the fight against racism to them is really just an excuse to riot. Right? BLM, bad, Antifa, like Al Qaeda! But the Oath Keepers, Qanon, Proud Boys, you know, the groups that the FBI are looking at, silent.

Yesterday, they had a chance to separate the GOP from the idea of what savaged our Capitol. And they voted to not even follow their duty under the Constitution. They just want to let Trump and this contagion continue to spread. If they won't do anything to speak out against it or hold the motivator to account, they must want more of the same.


CUOMO: You think vindictive was a talking point for them? You know what's “vindictive,” meaning seeking revenge? A coup. You know what vindictive? A confederate flag paraded through our Capitol that you say nothing about. You know what's vindictive? People forcing you to hide. You, Cruz. You hid in fear. You should have hid. I get it. Because day were looking for you. That's vindictive. By definition, seeking revenge. You know what that is? Inciting domestic terror.


This is the same party that held Benghazi hearings for years, who now think we have to forget all about this attack on our Capitol. They just move on. Why? Well, people died in Benghazi, remember that? People died. Yeah, yeah. One fewer than died in the Capitol.

Why doesn't it matter? If they were not hell-bent on taking us all to hell in a handbasket, why would Mitch McConnell go from Trump provoked this and fed that mob lies -- remember, he said that -- and pleading, we need time, let me move this trial, it must get due consideration, the President must have time to prepare. Why would he say that and then immediately go to voting to dismiss the trial before it even starts? He wants the chaos. They want to comfort our attackers by doing so.


CUOMO: Don’t you see? My fear is you do and you like what you see. And for the rest of you, remember where their head is. Trump didn't get us here alone.

Think about those who remain, who’ve sent every signal that they want to be every bit of his animus and more. Silent about the insurrection. Slowing Homeland Security's ability to fight the same people that did this.


Who does all of these things unless you want chaos? GOP used to stand for Grand Old Party. Now, it's like Gang of Pirates.


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