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South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Discusses How The GOP Has Failed The Country #TheRedpill #Politics

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem comments on ways in which members of the establishment Republican party ‘failed’ the country, her efforts in protecting certain rights in her own state, the hypocrisy of other lawmakers throughout the country, whether or not she has plans for higher office, and a fun fact about the geography of her state.  WATCH:

The establishment Republican apparatus, writ large, is positioning Nikki Haley as the next GOPe candidate in line.  To achieve this goal they will reintroduce the splitter strategy in 2024 that will likely include Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis and Kristi Noem.

DeSantis = MAGA

Noem = MAGA Lite with a Koch Twist

Haley = Full blown establishment (the female Jeb)

Cruz = Controlled opposition

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