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L. Brent Bozell: Big Tech Is Doing What Tyrants Like Hitler, Mao and Stalin Do #Political

“Stalin censored speech. So did Mao. So did Hitler. It’s what tyrants do,” Media Research Pres. Brent Bozell says, reacting to recent censorship tactics employed by social media giants like Amazon and Twitter.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and his “power-mad Marxist employees have lost their minds,” Bozell tweeted Friday after the social media platform permanently banned the president of the United States:

“.@Jack and the rest of his power-mad Marxist employees have lost their minds. They insanely think they are more important than the President. Instead of hurting Trump, they are reminding everyone that Big Tech needs to be crushed.”

On Saturday, Bozell blasted Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos after the company pulled its servers from Parler, shutting down the free speech social media platform that has been attracting conservatives being banned or censored by liberal Big Tech platforms:

“.@Washingtonpost owner Bezos wants to squash #freespeech just like his anti-American newspaper. How dare the world’s second-richest person squash a tiny company like @parler_app just because it supports freedom.”

“Big tech is doing what we were all told was a crazy conspiracy [theory], canceling conservatives. Now they’re after @parler_app. Don’t let them win! Join me there @brentbozell,” Bozell tweeted, adding that Big Tech is using the same tactics employed by infamous dictators:

“Stalin censored speech. So did Mao. So did Hitler. It’s what tyrants do.”

In the end, Big Tech’s war isn’t just against voices on the right – but against the very ideals of freedom – and they must be held accountable, Bozell tweeted:

“BigTech has declared war not just on the right but on the American ideal of freedom. @Apple, @Google and @amazon are dangerous monopolies and must be smashed. Deluge them with calls and emails.”

Editor's Note: This piece was first published on

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