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Yikes: CNN Host Says Trump Impeached for 'Inciting Erection’ #Political

CNN New Day co-host John Berman got so excited about impeaching Donald Trump, that he made quite an embarrassing slip of the tongue, Monday. 

After complaining that President Biden was trying to work with Republican Senators on another COVID relief bill, Berman asked Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) about the upcoming Senate impeachment trial:

“So you are going to sit and listen to the Senate impeachment trial of the former President of the United States who has been impeached for inciting the erection, uh er the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol…”

To his credit, Berman quickly corrected himself and pressed on with the question:

We understand that the former president has parted ways with his defense team. Because that defense team would not make the case that the president wanted to, which was that the election was somehow fraudulent. The lie he has been telling about the election for some time. He has now hired two new lawyers. If the presidency makes the case before the U.S. Senate that the election was somehow stolen from him, how would that be received? What will you make of that? 

Of course, the CNN host made the same mockable mistake that Democrat Senate leader Chuck Schumer made just a week ago from the Senate floor, which ABC edited out.

Berman spent the rest of the interview continuing to talk about impeachment. For his last question, he sympathetically asked Smith how it felt to have to go to work every day with Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley:

“You were one of the senators that signed onto the ethics complaint about Senator Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. How does it feel for you, given the fact you signed on to that, what is it like to show up every day in the Senate given the way you feel the way you do?”

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Read the relevant transcript questions, below:

CNN New Day


JOHN BERMAN: On a scale of one to ten, how excited are you by the $600 billion proposal being put forth by these ten Republican senators who will meet with the president at the White House later today? 


What’s it missing?


The president made a big deal out of unity in his Inaugural address. It's a big part of how he ran. How important is it to have Republican sign-on to this bill? Do you care about having Republicans voting for it or are you happy to pass it with just democratic votes? 


If someone said, let's meet in the middle. They are proposing $600 billion. Joe Biden the president wants 1.9 trillion. I’m not great at math but what if it ends up being 1.2 trillion? Is that something you'd vote for? 

What do you think of the fact that the president is having ten -- have you been to the White House yet under the Biden administration? 


So what do you think he is having ten Republican senators before a group of democratic senators or even democratic leadership? 


So you are going to sit and listen to the Senate impeachment trial of the former President of the United States who has been impeached for inciting the erection, uh the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. We understand that the former president has parted ways with his defense team. Because that defense team would not make the case that the president wanted to, which was that the election was somehow fraudulent. The lie he has been telling about the election for some time. He has now hired two new lawyers. If the presidency makes the case before the U.S. Senate that the election was somehow stolen from him, how would that be received? What will you make of that? 


 Do you want or how do you feel about live witnesses about whether there should be live witness in the impeachment trial? 


You were one of the senators that signed onto the ethics complaint about Senator Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. How does it feel for you, given the fact you signed on to that, what is it like to show up every day in the Senate given the way you feel the way you do? 

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