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Corporations, Specifically Multinationals, Hate Capitalism – Understand That Point and Things Make Sense #TheRedpill #Politics

Boy howdy is there a disconnect amid the outlook of most ‘conservatives’ when it comes to corporations and capitalism.   This tweet is a great place to recognize the distinction between the objectives of multinational corporations and their hatred of capitalism.

First, they were not “corporations” on the call, that is not an accurate description.  The assembly was a group of “multinationals” discussing their objectives, goals and outlooks on politics.  There is a difference between an ordinary corporation and a multinational corporation.  Multinationals hate capitalism.

When I say most multinational corporations hate capitalism many people look confused.

Let me help by sharing a short video that explains why:


The first myth busted in that video explains why corporations do not like capitalism.  That’s why Big Tech is also against capitalism.

Multinationals want control; some call that corporatism…. but the names are moot.  Multinationals want control, and capitalism does not allow them control; that is why multinationals do not want capitalism.  Multinationals use lobbyists to generate regulations that stall competition.

Multinationals do not want competition; they are, by nature of their interest, anti-capitalists.

This misunderstanding is everywhere.

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