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Gutfeld: ‘Trump Is a Drug for the Media...Getting Clicks Off the Conflict They Create’ #Political

FNC host Greg Gutfeld savaged the media for their sick obsession with President Trump while appearing as guest on MediaBuzz, today. 

But before that, host Howard Kurtz prompted Gutfeld to comment on the media’s treatment of President Biden. He wondered if it was too harsh: “[G]iven that he took office in the middle of the pandemic, does he deserve a little bit of time to uh try to enact his policies before being declared a failure by the media?”

While Gutfeld conceded that “everybody deserves a chance,” he blasted Biden (and his media enablers) for failing on his biggest campaign promise from the very start:

“I am more disgusted about how he had lied to the American public as a unifier. The big lie was that Joe was centrist and he was going to bring us all together meanwhile basically branding half of the country as neanderthals,” he began, before listing Biden utilizing media smears like the “‘fine people’ hoax” and “the ‘drinking bleach’ hoax,” to “smear an entire group.”

He criticized the media for psychoanalyzing and diagnosing the former president but forming a protective barrier around President Biden, despite obvious “cognitive decline:”

“Now you’re seeing the alignment of the gated media narrative which is about protecting and suppressing stories about Joe's slowness or cognitive...decline,” he noted, adding, “I wouldn't bring that up except for 4 years they talked about Trump's cognitive issues--the fact that he was a sociopath. So, that's open game.”

Moving on to the media’s Trump obsession, Kurtz asked Gutfeld if the former president fed into the media’s addiction with his “acidic attacks” on some Republicans at Mar-a-Lago yesterday.

But Gutfeld mocked the media’s “loathing” for their “drug” Donald Trump: 

“Trump is a drug for the media...They talk about how they are going to quit. They wake up in the morning with a Trump hangover. ‘I can't believe I did all of the Trump last night, oh, my God.’ And they cop right on it. It’s like they have that extra dose of Trump to get over the Trump hangover,” he snarked. 

The FNC personality called out the media for their divisive motives: “They pretend, they pretend it's suffering and stressful but they are getting clicks off the conflict that they create,” he blasted.

In another part of the interview, Gutfeld also slammed CNN for trying to divide Americans by creating animosity towards Republican voters:

When you look at the other networks and I call CNN the shame network, they target groups, right? Trump voters, Republicans, country clubbers, rich people, successful people. They never go after the person, right? Well, they went after Trump and now its Tucker as a replacement but, in fact, when you look at Fox, no one ever says those ‘damn Biden voters.’ I don’t sit there and do a complete screed on the idiocy of voting for Joe Biden.

Read the transcript below:

FNC’s MediaBuzz


HOWARD KURTZ: What do you think about the early coverage of the new president and given that he took office in the middle of the pandemic, does he deserve a little bit of time to uh try to enact his policies before being declared a failure by the media? 

GUTFELD: Um, everybody deserves a chance. I am more disgusted about how he had lied to the American public as a unifier. The big lie was that Joe was centrist and he was going to bring us all together meanwhile basically branding half of the country as neanderthals, again it's about branding groups, right? It's never people, I mean it's never persons, its groups, we’re all about individuals. But look, he used the fine people hoax,  the drinking bleach hoax, to smear an entire group and now you’re seeing the alignment of the gated media narrative which is about protecting and suppressing stories about Joe's slowness or cognitive disabilities, I wouldn’t say disabilities but cognitive decline. They can't do that meanwhile and I wouldn't bring that up except for 4 years they talked about Trump's cognitive issues--

KURTZ: Mental health. 

GUTFELD: The fact that he was a sociopath. So, that's open game. 

KURTZ: Biden's neanderthal reference was about two Republican governors but it was sort of out of character for him but look.

Last night at Mar-a-Lago--you did a segment last week on the media’s continued Trump obsession---last night at Mar-a-Lago, at the RNC meeting according to leaked accounts, Trump called Anthony Fauci full of crap he said Mike Pence lacked courage and he called Mitch McConnell a dumb SOB, doesn't that feed the media's Trump obsession when he makes these kind of acidic attacks? 

GUTFELD:  Yeah but did you notice they are about people, individuals? He's not talking about groups. He's not saying Biden voters. It's an entirely different thing and within his own tent which is kind of brave but you're right, Trump is a drug for the media. It's a drug in that they loathe using it. They talk about how they are going to quit. They wake up in the morning with a Trump hangover. ‘I can't believe I did all of the Trump last night, oh, my God.’ And they cop right on it. It’s like they have that extra dose of Trump to get over the Trump hangover. I actually admit, I mean, I cover Trump a lot but I don't deny that I enjoy it. I actually think he's the most interesting political phenomenon of my lifetime so I actually look at -- but I never deny that I'm doing it which is why we are more honest than they are. They pretend, they pretend it's suffering and stressful but they are getting clicks off the conflict that they create. 

KURTZ: I was going to say, good for ratings. Alright. 

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