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Senate Republicans Block Formation of January 6th Commission, The Election Narrative of The DC UniParty #TheRedpill #Politics

Six members of Mitch McConnell’s DeceptiCon caucus voted with senate democrats to support the commission.  The usual tribe: Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Mitt Romney of Utah and Rob Portman of Ohio all supported the commission.  Pat Toomey (PA) would have supported, but he was absent for the vote.

The final vote was 54-35.  All of the supporting DeceptiCons also voted to convict former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial earlier this year.

The senators who did not vote (absent) include: Blackburn (R-TN), Blunt (R-MO), Braun (R-IN), Burr (R-NC), Inhofe (R-OK), Murray (D-WA), Risch (R-ID), Rounds (R-SD), Shelby (R-AL), Sinema (D-AZ) and Toomey (R-PA).

A reminder of who supported from the House side is below:

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