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HBO’s ‘The White Lotus’ Smugly Shames Texans, Christians, Trump Voters in Viral TDS Scenes #Political

Season three of HBO’s hit drama The White Lotus is in full swing, delivering an intriguing, mysterious vibe so far. But just three episodes in, the show went woke with viral scenes depicting a woman shamed by her friends for being a Texas Christian who's no longer a Democrat and who voted for Trump. Filmed in 2022—before Trump’s second victory—airing was delayed by the 2023 writer’s strike.

The episode, “The Meaning of Dreams,” further explores the quirky lives of guests at the lavish White Lotus resort in Thailand. Among them are three lifelong friends: Jaclyn (Michelle Monaghan), a glamorous Hollywood starlet, and Laurie (Carrie Coon) and Kate (Leslie Bibb), who seem desperate to match her allure. The trio’s dynamic is laced with backbiting, as two often gossip harshly about the absent third.

At dinner, talk shifts to their earlier energy healing sessions. Kate finds the New Age practice too “witchy” for her taste, sparking a downward spiral. Her friends are horrified to learn she’s not only Christian but also defends conservatives, admits her husband voted for Trump, and hints she did too:

Kate: With stuff like that, I don't know, it's either goofy or spooky. I'm just not a New Age kind of person. It all feels kind of witchy, to me.

Jaclyn: That's what I like about it. Yeah, 'cause like Christianity, and most religions, they're made for men, right? The Father sacrifices the Son, the Son's a man, dies on the cross, the heroes are all men, and the women just cry on the sidelines.

Laurie: You want the woman to be centered in the story?

Jaclyn: No, no, no, no, no. It's all just so male. You know, the epic battle for good and evil just doesn't speak to me.

Kate: Well, I'm a woman, and I get a lot out of going to church. I love the people. It's very moving.

Jaclyn: I didn't know you went to church.

Kate: Oh, yeah! We go every Sunday. Yeah, ever since we moved to Austin.

Jaclyn: But is it like a real Texan church? Like with Bible thumpers and...

Kate: Well, the people are, you know, more conservative than, like, L.A. people or like New York.

Jaclyn: Is that weird for you?

Kate: Why would it be weird?

Jaclyn: I don't know. If I was just around a bunch of Texans who voted for Trump, I guess I'd just feel a little, you know, alienated.

Kate: They're nice people. Really good families.

Jaclyn: Cool.

Laurie: But do you ever talk politics with them?

Kate: Sometimes.

Laurie: And it doesn't get awkward?

Kate: Why would it?

Laurie: Because! Wait. Are you a Republican?

Kate: No!

Laurie: Oh. Okay.

Kate: I'm an independent. But Dave is.

Jaclyn: An Independent? Since when?

Laurie: You didn't vote for Trump, though, did you?

Kate: Are we really gonna talk about Trump tonight? Listen, it is a very pretty church. It is not weird at all. And I will take you if you ever come visit me in Austin.

Jaclyn: I can't wait to get down there.

Laurie: I really wanna come.

Jaclyn: Yeah.

Why do those who trash Christianity and the Bible often know so little about it? Women shine throughout scripture—Mary, Jesus’s mother, is central, and God commands husbands to cherish their wives like the Church. At Jesus’s resurrection, women weren’t “crying on the sidelines”; they were entrusted with witnessing and reporting the empty tomb, a pivotal role God gave to women alone.

Kate’s Trump admission is treated like she confessed to being a puppy-murdering serial killer. Some could argue the scene paints the liberal women as smug and self-righteous, but given Hollywood and producer Mike White’s track record—The National Review warned conservatives about The White Lotus in 2023—the intent feels clear: a “scathing dig” at Trump and a shaming of his voters, especially women.

Later, at the girls’ villa, Kate becomes the gossip target. Jaclyn and Laurie whisper snide remarks about her Trump support, Christianity, and life in Texas into the quiet night air, which drifts over to Kate’s ears as she eavesdrops from her balcony:

Jaclyn: Yeah, she...

Laurie: You know what? She's always been like this. Always taking on the attitude of the person she's with.

Jaclyn: Dave!

Laurie: I know. The look on your face was killing me.

Jacyln: Oh, God.

Laurie: I was trying to kick you under the table.

Jaclyn: Are you kidding? I didn't even know what to say. I mean, Trump? I mean, are you insane?

Laurie: Well, she's always let Dave call the shots, though.

Jaclyn: I can't even imagine what it's like living in Texas.

Laurie: She's probably just doing it to fit in. As a woman, it's just so self-defeating, right?

Jaclyn: I'm still kind of in shock. Look, I know people get more conservative the older that they get, but…

Laurie: Oh, sorry.

Did liberals learn anything from the last election? That cringy Harris ad showing wives secretly voting for Kamala and lying to their conservative husbands helped tank her campaign. Now we get Kate, portrayed as a brainless, insane, try-hard follower molded by her husband, “defeating” herself by voting Trump—ironic, considering most white women backed him. And the whole Texas bit? Who wants to tell them Austin leans heavily blue? Hollywood’s truly the land of make-believe.  

We watch and scroll, so you don’t have to. Spare yourself the reactions on X from liberal viewers with TDS—they’re as judgy, petty, and arrogant as Kate’s “friends,” with bonus anti-white racism tossed in for kicks.

But here are some of the best reactions on X we gathered for your viewing pleasure:

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