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PBS Hosts Hard-Left Hysteric Yale Professor on His Flight From ‘Fascist’ USA to Canada #Political

Hard-left hysteric and Yale professor Jason Stanley is fleeing to Canada and tax-funded television is on it. Amanpour & Co. trumpeted that night’s guest, Yale professor Jason Stanley, absconding the US in the subject line of the show’s promotional email: "EXCLUSIVE: 'How Fascism Works' Author Jason Stanley Plans to Leave the U.S.”

Host Christiane Amanpour: Trump's America has started to challenge and redefine academic freedom, and our next guest is sounding the alarm. Yale professor Jason Stanley is the author of Erasing History -- How Fascists Rewrite the Past to Control the Future….How new teaching guidelines are stoking a culture of fear and why he is taking drastic measures as a result.

Interviewer Michel Martin, who is also an NPR morning host, sympathetically drew out Stanley’s crazed interpretation of Trump’s educational policy, which he terms “educational authoritarianism.

Jason Stanley: That means that he is creating a culture of fear in universities, they already have done this in states like Florida creating culture of fear in K- 12 education. But authoritarianism requires a culture of fear. It requires a feeling like the state is always looking over your shoulder, feeling like there are vague rules that you can be punished for and your fellow citizens have been empowered to report you….

Martin: What sparked your latest piece for The Guardian was this Dear Colleague letter that the Department of Education issued, the Office of Civil Rights issued on February 14th, it was a letter to American educational institutions and it essentially reinterpreted federal civil rights law. Let me read a little bit, it says that “educational institutions have indoctrinated students with the false premise that the United States is built upon systemic and structural racism and advanced discriminatory policies and practices and proponents of these discriminatory practices and attempt to further justify them, particularly during the last four years, under the banner of diversity, equity, and inclusion, DEI, smuggling racial stereotypes and explicit race consciousness into everyday training, programming and discipline.”…

Stanley: [Department of Education head] Linda McMahon's final mission statement of the Department of Education, she mentions patriotic education as the goal here to impose on K-12 and universities. The problem here is that the United States is founded and built upon systematic racism and inclusion. It’s part of our founding documents that we wanted to take more indigenous land. So slavery, the United States is built on slavery, there is no factual argument about that….

Martin’s follow-ups were the mildest possible challenges.

Martin: ....conservatives would say that progressives or non-conservatives, whatever you want to say, are just mad because they are offering an alternative ideology. That they're just replacing one ideology with another. I think that their argument is that elections have consequences and they get to do that. What do you say to that?

Stanley: There's no such thing, in a democracy, the state cannot impose a required patriotic ideology....

When Martin brought up Columbia University being punished by the Trump administration for fostering an atmosphere of anti-Semitism against Jewish students and admitted “the reality of it is, there are a lot of Jewish students at Columbia that did feel threatened and demeaned by these demonstrations,” Stanley changed the subject to the supposed threatening environment for Arabs at Columbia. His hostile interpretation of the Trump administration trying to protect Jewish students on campus was truly warped.

Stanley: What are the most toxic anti-Semitic tropes? Jews control the institutions. This is absolutely reinforcing this. Any young American is going to think, remember what happened when they took down the world's greatest university system on behalf of Jewish safety? This will go down in history books. The history of this era will say that Jewish people were the sledgehammer for fascism….

Asked by Martin why Columbia was going along with the Trump diktats, Stanley called some Columbia employees “traitors to their own institutions” and that “Columbia is completely bending to an authoritarian regime,” before dropping his bombshell: “I'm seeing this everywhere and it is one reason that I am probably leaving the United States for Toronto.”

Martin: Really? I was going to ask, what are your thoughts about your own course here? So you feel strongly enough about this that you're going to leave the country?

Stanley elaborated that “I’m leaving because the political climate for the universities and political climate for freedom looks grim in this country. We face a fascist regime.” He also talked of “mass incarceration” and “violent policing” in America as a concern given his two black sons.

Host Amanpour wrapped up Stanley’s insane segment with gush and self-importantly including journalists like herself as among the potential victims of Trump’s fascism: “And what a robust defense, and especially the notion that for all of our professions, an attack on one is an attack on all.”

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