White House Sources: President Trump To Hold Second Summit With Kim Jong Un In March

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is in the process of planning a second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, which is slated to occur in early March, according to several administration officials who requested anonymity to discuss ongoing planning and deliberations.
One source said that the planning process has been underway for over 6 weeks.
The next summit will not take place in the United States or North Korea, according to multiple sources inside the administration.
The Trump administration has been seeking additional concessions from Pyongyang prior to a second summit, however. Kim has held firm in wanting a reduction of sanctions against his food-starved regime before moving further towards denuclearization.
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“This move defies any negotiating logic,” said Evan Medeiros, the Obama-era Senior Asia policy director on the National Security Council. “Meeting Kim again only validates Kim’s strategy of using President Trump to play for time and sanctions relief, and keep North Korea on the pathway to becoming a de-facto nuclear weapon state.”
“North Korea announced this week that what it means by “denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” is removal of all US nuclear weapons from Korea (done 27 years ago, but never accepted by the North) and from all surrounding areas, including Japan, the Pacific, Guam, and potentially even the United States,” Bruce Bennett, Senior international researcher at Rand Corporation said in a statement.
“The definition did not include denuclearization of North Korea—an absurd position for the North to take. Which is to say, that is not what Kim Jong-un agreed to with either ROK President Moon or President Trump: Kim agreed to fully implement all previous North/South agreements and declarations, which would include the 1992 Denuclearization Declaration, which says: “South and North Korea shall not test, manufacture, produce, receive, possess, store, deploy or use nuclear weapons.”
“But the North Korean statement means that either President Trump accepts the North’s definition of denuclearization or he moves to contest it and confront Kim Jong-un,” he added.
In an interview in November with NBC News, Vice President Mike Pence said that a “verifiable plan” to disclose North Korea’s locations of nuclear weapons and testing sites must come out of any future Trump-Kim summit.
“I think it will be absolutely imperative in this next summit that we come away with a plan for identifying all of the weapons in question, identifying all the development sites, allowing for inspections of the sites and the plan for dismantling nuclear weapons,” Pence said.
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